What is IMEI?Is IMEI in GoIP programmable?

1. What is IMEI?

IMEI is short for International Mobile Equipment Identity and is a unique number given to every single mobile phone.

The number consists of four groups that looks this:


The first set of numbers is the type approval code (TAC). The first two digits represent the country code. The rest make up the final assembly code. The second group of numbers identifies the manufacturer:

01 and 02 = AEG

07 and 40 = Motorola

10 and 20 = Nokia

41and 44 = Siemens

51= Sony, Siemens, Ericsson

The third set is the serial number and the last single digit is an additional number (usually 0).

2. Is IMEI in GoIP programmable?

The default IMEI can be modified via the built-in webpage. Please see the format of IMEI described in the question 13. Please note that the last digit is not used and should be set to 0. Therefore, only the first 14 digits should be modified.

Please note that the IMEI field is empty. Please insert a SIM card and power up the GoIP. You should then see the IMEI assigned.