Can I insert SIM cards in both GoIP and SMB32?

1. Can I insert SIM cards in both GoIP and SMB32?

No, you cannot. If you want to use SMB32, you should remove the SIM cards from the GoIPs that are configured to register to the SMB32. New GoIP hardware will support selection of SIM card; hence, SIM cards can be installed in both slots. Please contact technical support for more information.

2. Can I assign IMEI to a SIM Slot when SMB32 is in standalone mode?

No, you cannot. The IMEI parameter is currently not implemented in the SMB32 webpage. There is only a parameter to enable the designated GoIP to generate random IMEI. However, the SIM Server supports manual assignment of IMEI to each SIM Slot.

3. How can I check what IMEI is currently in used by a GoIP GSM channel?

You can access the built-in webpage of the GoIP in order to find out the current IMEI assigned.

4. How do I know if I have configured my SMB32 and the designated GoIPs correctly (not using a SIM Server)?

You can view the SMB32 Running Status page. Each designated GoIP is referred as "machine". The status of all available lines are shown. Here are the possible status:

a) Login - This means that the GSM channel registers to its GSM service provider successfully and it is ready.

b) Logout - This means that the designated GoIP has registered to the SMB32 but either there is no SIM card inserted in the allocated SIM slot (in SMB32) or the channel fails to registers to its GSM service provider.

c) Offline - This means that the designated GoIP is not registered to the SMB32.

5. For standalone operation, can SMB32 work in a network environment without a fixed public IP address?

Yes, it can provided that the DDNS service is enabled for both SMB32 and the designated GoIPs. This DDNS service is a free service offered by HYBERTONE. Please note that the Remote SIM address in a designated GoIP should be set to the domain name of the SMB32 (.com). Please contact technical support for further assistance if needed.

6. Are there any service interruptions when performing a SIM Card re-allocation?

Yes, there are. When a SIM card is re-assigned to another GSM channel, it is first disconnected from the current channel. This mean that the GSM service is disabled immediately. When another SIM card is assigned to this channel, it takes up to a few minutes for it to register to its service provider.

7. How do I define the Work Interval and Sleep Interval?

The Work Interval defines the next SIM slot re-allocation time.

The Sleep Interval defines an idle interval.During this interval, no SIM Slots are allocated to any GSM channels.If this interval is not required, it can be set to zero.